When we were first burdened to return to the US to receive more training and be with family, we had a contentment knowing that God was leading us and that He would lead us back to Japan in His perfect, sovereign time. During the last 6 years, 3 grandparents have died, 4 siblings have gotten married, we've been the mentee and the mentor, have been trained in how to study and teach Scripture, have experienced deep joy and deep sorrow, and have grown in ways we didn't know we needed to grow. What a grace of God to allow us to experience so much while in the States knowing what hard soil we desire to go back to.
These last few years have been a mixture of contentment knowing we are where we need to be and a burden to be back in Japan proclaiming the Gospel to people who have never heard of Jesus Christ and helping Japanese Christians grow in grace. When the Petites asked us if we would pray about going back to Japan to support the church body in Izumi, God gave us peace about going this route in our journey into full-time ministry.
In the past couple months there have been times when we are fearful - fearful we won't sell our house, fearful our cars won't sell, fearful people won't partner with us financially, and fearful that we are woefully unprepared for what is to come. God has been gracious to give us friends that remind us this journey isn't about what we are able to do, because on our own we are unable to do anything, but rather about what God has done, is doing, and will do. Our friends have been faithful to remind us that God always provides. What a gift of grace Christ accomplished on the cross, what beautiful faithfulness He has demonstrated, and what a joy it is to be reminded (and to remind) of those glorious truths.
Please pray for us. Pray we would see Christ clearly & that He'd be glorified in us. And please ask God if He is calling you to be part of His work in building His kingdom in Japan.